We have some exciting news… our newest ukulele book is at the printer, and we should have it in our hands sometime in early August 2022! It’s by our best-selling authors Ted Parrish & Wayne Erbsen and is called “Ukulele Tunes, Tips & Jamming“… sign up to be notified when it’s out by clicking HERE.
In the meantime, we thought we’d give you a sneak peak at one of the songs in this book: “Bury Me Beneath the Willow,” one of our all-time favorites to pick on our log cabin’s front porch. We love to hear your versions of songs, especially from beginners! You can email us or tag us on Facebook or Instagram with a clip of your rendition.
When the news reached the Carter Family that Victor records would be holding auditions to record in late July of 1927, they soon loaded up a borrowed Model-A Ford to make the perilous twenty-five mile journey to Bristol, Virginia. It was a scalding hot day when they left their home in Maces Springs, Virginia. Along the way they had to cross several creeks and AP Carter had to fix three flat tires. When they finally arrived and dusted themselves off, the first song they auditioned with was “Bury Me Beneath the Willow,” a song that Sara and Maybelle Carter had known since childhood. Although the name of the composer is lost in time, the song appears to be a typical mid-19th century sentimental parlor song. For their efforts, the Carter Family was paid $50 with an additional half-cent royalty for each copy sold. More important, this song launched the Carter family as “The First Family of Country Music.”
For the melody, plant your index finger on the first string second fret, then use your third and fourth fingers to reach the 5 and 7 as needed.
Note: Both the verse and the chorus share the same melody and chords.
Below you will find a video of Ted playing it for you, the ukulele tab and the lyrics.
ukulele tab

LYRICS My heart is sad and I am lonely For the only one I love. When shall I see her, oh, no never, ‘Til we meet in heaven above. Oh bury me beneath the willow, Under the weeping willow tree. So she will know where I am sleeping, And perhaps she’ll weep for me. She told me that she dearly loved me How could I believe her untrue. Until the angels softly whispered, She will prove untrue to you. (Chorus) Tomorrow was our wedding day God, oh God where can she be? She’s out a-courtin’ with another, And no longer cares for me. (Chorus)