Old Molly Hare
Old Molly Hare what you doin’ there?
Sittin’ by the fireplace smokin’ my cigar.
Jump back, jump back, daddy shot a bear
Shot him in the eye and he never touched a hair.
Old Molly Hard what you doin’ there?
Runnin’ through the cotton patch as fast as I can tear.
Old Molly Hare what you doin’ there?
Sittin’ in the butter dish pickin’ out a hair.
I’d rather be here than to be over there
A whole mess of cockleberries tangled in my hair.
The following collected by Robert Gordon from W.E. Bird
Cullowhee, NC October 28, 1925.
Old Granny Hare what you doin’ there?
Runin’ through the cotton patch as hard as I can tear.
Wheat bread cornbread or any such a thing
The old sow died with the measles in the spring.
Old Granny Hare what you doin’ there?
Sittin’ in the corner smokin’ a cigar.
The old sow’s leg or the old sow’s tail
Make as good a hammer as ever drove a nail.
Instruction on how to play this song can be found in Wayne Erbsen’s book: Clawhammer Banjo for the Complete Ignoramus.