Deep Elem Blues
When you go down in Deep Elem,
Just to have a little fun.
Better have fifteen dollars,
When the policeman comes.
And it’s oh sweet mama,
Daddy’s got them Deep Elem blues.
Oh, sweet mama,
Daddy’s got them Deep Elem blues.
When you go down in Deep Elem,
Put your money in your pants.
Those Deep Elem women,
They don’t give a man a chance. (Chorus)
When you go down to Deep Elem,
Put your money in your socks.
Them Deep Elem women,
They will throw you on the rocks. (Chorus)
I used to know a preacher,
Preached the Bible through and through.
He went down to Deep Elem,
Now his preaching days are through. (Chorus)
Now once I had a sweetheart,
She meant the world to me.
Went down to Deep Elem,
Now, she ain’t what she used to be. (Chorus)
Instruction on how to play this song can be found in Wayne Erbsen’s books: Bluegrass Jamming on Fiddle, Bluegrass Jamming on Mandolin and Bluegrass Jamming on Banjo.