Hand Me Down My Walking Cane
Hand me down my walking cane,
Hand me down my walking cane.
Hand me down my walking cane,
I’m gonna leave on the midnight train,
All my sins are taken away, taken away.
I got drunk and landed in jail,
I got drunk and landed in jail.
I got drunk and landed in jail,
Had no one for to go my bail,
All my sins are taken away, taken away. (Chorus)
If I should die in Tennessee,
If I should die in Tennessee.
If I should die in Tennessee,
Send my bones back C.O.D.
All my sins are taken away, taken away. (Chorus)
Hand me down my bottle of corn,
Hand me down my bottle of corn.
Hand me down my bottle of corn,
I’ll get drunk as sure as you’re born,
All my sins are taken away, taken away. (Chorus)
Instruction on how to play this song can be found in Wayne Erbsen’s books: Bluegrass Jamming on Fiddle, Bluegrass Jamming on Mandolin and Bluegrass Jamming on Banjo.
Hope you can help me find Hand Me Down My Walking Cane. The lyrics that I heard one time are : Took the pledge, ain’t gonna drink no more, except 1 or 2 or 3 or 4. I’ll drink one for me and you, too.