Ground Hog
Shoulder up your gun and whistle up your dog
Shoulder up your gun and whistle up your dog
Off to the woods to catch a ground hog
Oh, ground hog.
In come Sal with a snigger and a grin
In come Sal with a snigger and a grin
With ground hog grease all over her chin
Oh, ground hog.
In come grandma hopping on a cane
In come grandma hopping on a cane
I’m gonna have that ground hog’s brains
Oh, ground hog.
Ground hog stewed and ground hog fried
Ground hog stewed and ground hog fried
It’s the best old ground hog ever I tried
Oh, ground hog.
Yonder comes Sal with a snigger and a grin
Yonder comes Sal with a snigger and a grin
Ground hog grease all over her chin.
We’ll catch a ground and save his hide
We’ll catch a ground and save his hide
It’ll make the best shoestrings you ever tied
Oh, ground hog.
The following collected from Martin Willis June, 2007 at the WNC Nature Center, Asheville, NC
Cut him up and put him on to bile
Cut him up and put him on to bile
Goodness gracious alive you can smell him for a mile.
Yonder comes Sal with a snigger and a grin
Yonder comes Sal with a snigger and a grin
Ground hog grease all over her chin.
Shoulder up your mattox and whistle up your dog
Shoulder up your mattox and whistle up your dog
Off to the new ground to catch a ground hog.
I dug down and it wasn’t very deep
I dug down and it wasn’t very deep
There layed a ground hog asleep.
Got a me a pole and I twisted him out
Got me a pole and twisted him out
Lord have mercy ain’t a ground hog stout.
Took him home and tanned his hide
Took him home and tanned his hide
Made the best shoe strings er was tied.Instruction on how to play this song can be found in Wayne Erbsen’s book: Clawhammer Banjo for the Complete Ignoramus